My career stretches back over thirty years, covering many issues and opportunities, and always with an eye to supporting voluntary leadership and action.
I have worked on a conserver society, sustainable development and now climate action. They are all different ways of packaging the same goal - helping people live lightly on this earth.
My portfolio is organized in five categories:
community: projects, campaigns, and ideas that have helped communities organize or supported community engagement
innovation: examples of radical pragmatism - projects that have a ripple effect across the movement
marketing: using a movement to raise awareness and help people take action
organizations: my work with organizations, networks, and businesses
research: strategic analysis that embraces complexity to find elegant solutions.
You'll find common elements in these examples of individual creativity paired with teamwork and collaboration. This is the approach I can bring to your challenges.
How to connect green consumers and businesses? The solution: a green discount card.
My experience has shown that funding for innovation comes in waves, usually following a crisis and lasting for a few years. With each wave, we get a chance to reorganize and implement new ideas in leadership, collaboration, and strategic planning.
I believe we are at the early stages of the next wave, which has been triggered by climate change and will soon see a resurgence in funding for climate action and solutions. This is our change to rekindle support for community networking and planning, integrated outreach campaigns, and community development. It's our chance to be creative again.