Designing Better Climate Plans
Chances are, you've wound up here because you were looking at the Climate Action Canada website. We have an amazing opportunity to engage Canadians in climate plans that goes well beyond consultation and education.
In particular, with the Cool Communities campaign, we can organize individual communities, towns and cities, provinces, or the entire nation. It all depends on the scale you wish to organize.
This represents a great challenge, but I am confident that with my experience in environmental strategic marketing I can you design some amazing climate plans and campaigns. I have over 30 years experience in organization management, strategic planning, public engagement campaigns, and creative solutions.
When you think of it, there are many aspects to designing an effective and integrated climate action strategy for Canada. Here's some of the ways I can help:
- community support - helping develop a community network and action plan in your community
- community engagement - helping develop a Climate Action campaign for your community
- Program development - helping organizations market their expertise in climate solutions
- fund development - helping funders design community action programs and funds to support community action
- Corporate Climate Campaigns - helping companies design community programs for climate action
- strategic planning- integrating community engagement and individual action into municipal or provincial plans.
I work equally well from many perspectives - government, business, foundation, or NGO - seeking to develop expertise and leadership within a collaborative movement. I am available for short term advice, project development and support, or for longer-term embedded contracts, whether for community groups, municipalities, NGOs and agencies, businesses, or senior governments.
Please contact me and we can discuss the possibilities.