Climate Action

The Challenge

It's perhaps the greatest challenge facing us today - adapting to, and mitigating, the effects of carbon emissions on our climate. It's also one of the greatest opportunities for radically pragmatic thinking.

On the radical side, we need to transition to a low-carbon society and economy, which means a dramatic reduction in the extraction and burning of fossil fuels. On the pragmatic side, if we can show how the solutions actually enhance our quality of life, our communities, and our economy, then we will find a tremendous depth of support for climate leadership and economic instruments.

The Need

Matching climate action with social benefit may sound obvious, but to date most of the attention has been focused primarily on government leadership and carbon pricing (a carbon tax or cap and trade). Funding has been identified for some climate initiatives, but there has been no comprehensive social engagement campaign.

What is needed is a national campaign that will support climate leadership and action across the country - a campaign that strengthens and unites the voluntary efforts of individuals, community groups, businesses, and others.

The Solution

In 2016, I registered the URL (yes, it was available) and began work on setting up Climate Action Canada as a national initiative.

Climate Action Canada is designed as shareware - which is itself a radical concept. It is not intended to be owned by myself or any one organization. It just is -- ideas, campaigns and artwork that can be "adapted and adopted" by any organization, company, or government that shares the overall mission of a better future through climate action.

You're free to use or adapt any of the ideas and material on the Climate Action website.

And if I can be of help, drop me a line.